Policy and Rule Execution

This metric can be used to track the results associated with the rules executing as a part of incoming resource requests and even background scans. This metric can be further aggregated to track policy-level results as well.

Metric Name(s)

  • kyverno_policy_results

Metric Value

Counter - An only-increasing integer representing the number of results/executions associated with the rule corresponding to a metric sample.

Metric Labels

LabelAllowed ValuesDescription
policy_validation_mode“enforce”, “audit”PolicyValidationFailure action of the rule’s parent policy
policy_type“cluster”, “namespaced”Kind of the rule’s parent policy. Kind: ClusterPolicy or Kind: Policy
policy_background_mode“true”, “false”Policy’s set background mode
policy_nameName of the policy to which the rule belongs
policy_namespaceNamespace in which this Policy resides (only for policies with kind: Policy), For ClusterPolicies, this field will be “-”
resource_kind“Pod”, “Deployment”, “StatefulSet”, “ReplicaSet”, etc.Kind of this resource
resource_namespaceNamespace in which this resource lies
resource_request_operation“create”, “update”, “delete”If the requested resource is being created, updated, or deleted.
rule_nameName of the rule, in the above policy, which is evaluating in this situation
rule_result“PASS”, “FAIL”Result of the rule’s execution
rule_type“validate”, “mutate”, “generate”Rule’s behavior type.
For rule_execution_cause=“background_scan”, it will always be “validate” as background scans only run validate rules
rule_execution_cause“admission_request”, “background_scan”Identifies whether the rule is executing in response to an admission request or a periodic background scan.
In background scans, only validate rules whereas in the case of admission requests, all validate/mutate/generate rules run

Use cases

  • The admin wants to track the count of the incoming resource requests which resulted in PASS status of any cluster policy since the last 24 hrs.
  • The cluster admin wants to track the count of all the Deployment objects, which when created, violated a specific cluster policy named sample-cluster-policy
  • The cluster admin wants to track the count of all the resources belonging to the default namespace in the last 1 hr which were blocked from being created because those resource requests violated some Kyverno Policy.
  • An end user has a dedicated namespace and in it, he/she is creating a big number of Kubernetes resources in one go and wants to track how many of them are violating the existing cluster policies.

Useful Queries

  • Tracking the total number of rules which failed in the 24 hours in “default” namespace grouped by their rule types (validate, mutate, generate):
    sum(increase(kyverno_policy_results{policy_namespace="default", rule_result="fail"}[24h])) by (rule_type)

  • Tracking the per-minute rate of the number of rule executions triggered by incoming Pod requests over the cluster:
    rate(kyverno_policy_results{resource_kind="Pod", rule_execution_cause="admission_request"}[1m])*60

  • Tracking the total number of policies over the cluster running as a part of background scans over the last 2 hours:
    count(increase(kyverno_policy_results{rule_execution_cause="background_scan"}[2h]) by (policy_name))