
OpenTelemetry integration in Kyverno.

OpenTelemetry Setup

Setting up OpenTelemetry requires configuration of a few YAML files. The required configurations are listed below.

Install Cert-Manager

Install Cert-Manager by following the documentation.

Config file for OpenTelemetry Collector

Create a configmap.yaml file in the kyverno Namespace with the following content:

 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: ConfigMap
 4  name: collector-config
 5  namespace: kyverno
 7  collector.yaml: |
 8    receivers:
 9      otlp:
10        protocols: 
11          grpc:
12            endpoint: ":8000"
13    processors:
14      batch:
15        send_batch_size: 10000
16        timeout: 5s
17    extensions:
18      health_check: {}
19    exporters:
20      jaeger:
21        endpoint: "jaeger-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local:14250"
22        tls:
23          insecure: true
24      prometheus:
25        endpoint: ":9090"
26      logging:
27        loglevel: debug
28    service:
29      extensions: [health_check]
30      pipelines:
31        traces:
32          receivers: [otlp]
33          processors: []
34          exporters: [jaeger, logging]
35        metrics:
36          receivers: [otlp]
37          processors: [batch]
38          exporters: [prometheus, logging]    
  • Here the Prometheus exporter endpoint is set as 9090 which means Prometheus will be able to scrape this service on the given endpoint to collect metrics.
  • Similarly, the Jaeger endpoint references a Jaeger collector at the default Jaeger endpoint 14250.

The Collector Deployment

Create a deployment.yaml file in the kyverno Namespace with the following content:

 1apiVersion: apps/v1
 2kind: Deployment
 4  name: opentelemetrycollector
 5  namespace: kyverno
 7  replicas: 1
 8  selector:
 9    matchLabels:
10 opentelemetrycollector
11  template:
12    metadata:
13      labels:
14 opentelemetrycollector
15    spec:
16      containers:
17      - name: otelcol
18        args:
19        - --config=/conf/collector.yaml
20        image: otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.50.0
21        volumeMounts:
22        - name: collector-config
23          mountPath: /conf
24      volumes:
25      - configMap:
26          name: collector-config
27          items:
28          - key: collector.yaml
29            path: collector.yaml
30        name: collector-config

This references the collector defined in the configmap.yaml above. Here we are using a Deployement with just a single replica. Ideally, a DaemonSet is preferred. Check the OpenTelemetry documentation for more deployment strategies.

The Collector Service

Finally, create a service.yaml file in the kyverno Namespace with the following content:

 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: Service
 4  name: opentelemetrycollector
 5  namespace: kyverno
 7  ports:
 8  - name: otlp-grpc
 9    port: 8000
10    protocol: TCP
11    targetPort: 8000
12  - name: metrics
13    port: 9090
14    protocol: TCP
15    targetPort: 9090
16  selector:
17 opentelemetrycollector
18  type: ClusterIP

This defines a Service for the discovery of the collector Deployment.

Setting up Kyverno and passing required flags

See the installation instructions for Kyverno. Depending on the method used, the following flags must be passed.

  • Pass the flag metricsPort to defined the OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint for collecting metrics.
  • Pass the flag otelConfig=grpc to export the metrics and traces to an OpenTelemetry collector on the metrics port endpoint

Setting up a secure connection between Kyverno and the collector

Kyverno also supports setting up a secure connection with the OpenTelemetry exporter using TLS on the server-side (on the collector). This will require you to create a certificate-key pair for the OpenTelemetry collector from some private CA and then saving the certificate as a Secret in your Kyverno Namespace with key named ca.pem.

Considering you already have the server.pem and server-key.pem files along with the ca.pem file (you can configure these using a tool such as OepnSSL or cfssl). Your OpenTelemetry configmap.yaml and deployment.yaml files will also change accordingly:


 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: ConfigMap
 4  name: collector-config
 5  namespace: kyverno
 7  collector.yaml: |
 8    receivers:
 9      otlp:
10        protocols: 
11          grpc:
12            endpoint: ":8000"
13            tls:
14              cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/server/server.pem
15              key_file: /etc/ssl/certs/server/server-key.pem
16              ca_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca/ca.pem
17    processors:
18      batch:
19        send_batch_size: 10000
20        timeout: 5s
21    extensions:
22      health_check: {}
23    exporters:
24      jaeger:
25        endpoint: "jaeger-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local:14250"
26        tls:
27          insecure: true
28      prometheus:
29        endpoint: ":9090"
30      logging:
31        loglevel: debug
32    service:
33      extensions: [health_check]
34      pipelines:
35        traces:
36          receivers: [otlp]
37          processors: []
38          exporters: [jaeger, logging]
39        metrics:
40          receivers: [otlp]
41          processors: [batch]
42          exporters: [prometheus, logging]    


 1apiVersion: apps/v1
 2kind: Deployment
 4  name: opentelemetrycollector
 5  namespace: kyverno
 7  replicas: 1
 8  selector:
 9    matchLabels:
10 opentelemetrycollector
11  template:
12    metadata:
13      labels:
14 opentelemetrycollector
15    spec:
16      containers:
17      - name: otelcol
18        args:
19        - --config=/conf/collector.yaml
20        image: otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.50.0
21        volumeMounts:
22        - name: collector-config
23          mountPath: /conf
24        - name: otel-collector-secrets
25          mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/server
26        - name: root-ca
27          mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/ca
28      volumes:
29      - configMap:
30          name: collector-config
31          items:
32          - key: collector.yaml
33            path: collector.yaml
34        name: collector-config
35      - secret:
36          secretName: otel-collector-secrets
37        name: otel-collector-secrets
38      - secret:
39          secretName: root-ca
40        name: root-ca

This will ensure that the OpenTelemetry collector can only accept encrypted data on the receiver endpoint.

Pass the flag transportCreds as the Secret name containing the ca.pem file (Empty string means insecure connection will be used).

Setting up Prometheus

  • For the metrics backend, you can install Prometheus on you cluster. For a general example, we have a ready-made configuration for you. Install Prometheus by running:
1kubectl apply -k
  • Port-forward the Prometheus service to view the metrics on localhost.
1kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-server 9090:9090 -n kyverno

Setting up Jaeger

The traces are pushed to the Jaeger backend on port 14250. To install Jaeger:

First install the Jaeger Operator. Replace the version as needed.

1kubectl create namespace observability
2kubectl create -n observability -f
3kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n observability --all

Create a Jaeger resource configuration as shown below


2kind: Jaeger
4  name: jaeger
5  namespace: observability

Install the Jaeger backend

1kubectl create -f jaeger.yaml

Port-forward the Jaeger Service on 16686 to view the traces.

1kubectl port-forward svc/jaeger-query 16686:16686 -n observability

Last modified February 19, 2025 at 12:27 PM PST: docs: Corrected spell check for Deployment (#1476) (29be814)